31 augustus, 2010

sparkling moment: communication upside turnaround down

Ok! Let's say that social is hanging out with friends. Sharing moments together. Let's face it. We share those moments with more friends. So we're now more social you could say. And we are online more hours then last year because we want to make the most of it now. So we use all those social media to communicate, share and connect with others. With your friends, with your old friends, your overseas friends and even your new online friends. We have a bigger picture around us. Did you noticed that? It's like the Twitter parade, it's huge. It's your communication world. We are online and off line. What we do is "the 360 move from upside turnaround down". Cause we go to the park, to events, reading papers and magazines,share, connect and be in touch with each other to receive and send all that information to each other. The youtube video is watched over 55000 times and this was NOT the number of people who were in park. Be stupid. Convinced? You can do it, try that move: "360 upside turnaround down"

"We, the stupid ones, prefer the park to the 'platform'. That's why we take the status and the wall and the comment and the stalkers and the friends and make them real again.

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